What are cookies?

Cookies are small data archives that you receive in your terminal from the website you visit, they are used to register some navigation interactions within the webpage, saving data that can be updated and recovered. These archives are stored in the user’s computer and contain anonymous data, they are harmless for the computer. They are used to store user preferences such as language, access data and webpage customization.

Cookies can also be used to register anonymous information on how a visitor used a webpage. For example, from which webpage it has been accessed from or if it was accessed through a publicity banner.

Why does Creaciones Mariola S.L. group uses cookies?

Creaciones Mariola S.L. uses strictly necessary and essential cookies that allow you to use our webpage and also to move freely within it, use safe areas, personalized options, etc. Furthermore our company uses cookies that collect data related to the use of the webpage. This is used so we can improve customer service, measuring the use and performance of the page, allowing us to optimize and personalize it. Our webpages may also contain links for social networks (like Facebook or Twitter). Creaciones Mariola S.L. does not control cookies used by external webpages. For more information about social network cookies or other webpages, we advise you to revise their cookie policies.

What use do the different types of cookies have?

Session CookiesSession cookies are those who only last for as long as the user is navigating the webpage, they are deleted when the session is finished.
Persistent CookiesThese cookies stay stored in the user’s terminal for longer, they make it easier to control the preferences without having to repeat certain parameters each time you visit the webpage.
Internal CookiesCookies created by this webpage and only legible by this webpage. The webpage (www.creacionesmariola.com) installs cookies with the following purposes:

  • Technical cookies : these cookies control the loading of the images seen in the homepage, according to the parameters previously programmed (time online, number of times seen, etc.)
  • Customization: These cookies are used to remember the configuration of image size selected and reproduce it on the following visits by the user.
  • Analysis: cookies that allow us to follow the website traffic to compile visit statistics.
Third party CookiesCookies created by third parties and that we use for different services (for example analysis of the website itself or publicity)

In the next chart you’ll find, in detail, the third parties that can configure and access Cookies (not exempt of information and consent) in your computer as well as the purpose of use of the specific information:

PurposeDescription Third parties
Technical CookiesAllow the control of traffic and the communication of data using security elements during navigation. Also used to identify and maintain user session, to store contents in the diffusion of videos and sounds and to share content with social networks.
Customization Cookies These cookies allow the user to specify or customize some features of the options of the webpage. For example, language definition, preferred volume, regional service configuration, type of browser and the number of results shown for each page.
Analytical CookiesAnalytical tools that help webpages understand the way visitors interact with the page. A group of cookies may be used to compile information and inform the webpages about the use statistics anonymously.
Marketing CookiesPublicity cookies allow the management of publicity spaces within the webpage based on certain criteria. For example, frequency of access, edited content, etc.
Flash Cookies  We also use flash cookies to store your preferences like volume control or to show content based on your previous visits in order to customize your visit. Third parties, with which we collaborate to provide certain characteristics to our webpage, use flash cookies to compile and store non personal data.

Flash cookies are different from session cookies or persistent cookies in quantity, type and mode of data storing. Cookie management tools made available by your browser will not eliminate flash cookies.

How can I change cookie settings?

Internet Explorer cookie settings
Firefox cookie settings
Google Chrome settings
Safari settings
Flash settings


If you do not wish to store any type of flash player data, uncheck the boxes “Allow Flash Player to store information on the computer” and “Store common Flash components to reduce loading times”. If you wish to limit the quantity of data collected by Flash Player slide the toolbar indicator in the general settings to the desired position.

All browsers are subject to updates or modifications, so we cannot ensure that the webpage will adjust perfectly to your browser. If you use a different browser not mentioned above like Konqueror, Aurora, Flock, Etc.

To avoid these discrepancies you can access directly from your browser options menu, usually found in “Options” in the “Privacy” section (please use your browser “Help” for more information.)

Annulment of consent

It is also possible to limit the way third parties websites install cookies in your machine, to avoid data collection and navigation registry. To limit the use of third party cookies you can go to the settings webpage and check “OptOut”:

Select the option “delete all websites” or choose the specific website that you wish to delete it from and “delete website”.

Take into account that deleting the cookies will have as consequence our inability to maintain your preferences, some characteristics of the website will not be operative and each time you visit our website we will ask you again for your permission to enable cookies.

If you still want to change your access to the webpage, you should know that it is possible to delete cookies or disallow this type of information to be kept in your computer at any time by modifying your browser configuration parameters.

If you choose to accept our cookies, you allow us to improve the website of (Creaciones Mariola, S.L.) in order to offer you an optimal access and a more effective and personalized service.

You can also configure your browser to allow only trusted websites, or the pages you are using at any given moment, to manage cookies, which allows you to establish your preferences.

By making this policy accessible, (Creaciones Mariola, S.L.) demonstrates its commitment with the law in force regarding the use of cookies, giving you the information so that you can understand which type of cookies we use and why. With this we provide you transparency regarding the data treatment of your navigation on our website.

This policy is periodically revised to ensure it is up to date, hence it could be modified. We recommend that you visit our website regularly, we will inform of any changes relative to this matter.

© (Creaciones Mariola, S.L.)